This page will provide you with curated content from each unit of the MHST601 course in addition to resources on my role in home & community care. Click on the arrows to learn more about each topic.
Health Care in Ontario
The following resources provided are the guiding documents that shape and influence the way health care is delivered and received in Ontario.
Ontario Public Health Standards
The Ontario Public Health Standards: Requirements for Programs, Services, and Accountability are published as the public health standards for the provision of mandatory health programs and services. This document adheres to the importance of understanding Social Determinants of Health; Healthy Behaviours;Healthy Communities; and Health Assessment as major factors influencing the health outcomes of Ontarians.
Ontario provides coverage for certain health care services/needs through the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP),which are paid into through with Ontarian's tax dollars.
Though most basic health care services in Ontario are covered through OHIP, many question the systems sustainability. The Ontario Health Coalition sets out to protect and improve the public health care system by honouring the principles of the Canada Health Act.

My Role in Health Care
The following resources provided speak to my role in home and community care as a Client Service Coordinator and my inter-professional connectedness among other health professions. Check out my page "My Role in Health Care" to learn more.
Health Professional Tools
Use these tools to help you as a professional , researcher, or even user of the health care system to learn about the performance of your health care system specific to your region.
What is Health?
These resources provide information of definitions of health and how these definitions impact our health care system.
The World Health organization defined health as "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." However, current literature suggests that the WHO's 1948 definition isn't exactly representative of 'what is health' and needs redefining.
Another criticism of the WHO's definition of health is that it implies that the presence of illness means an individual is ' unhealthy' and does not speak to the possibility of those coping with illness and living to their healthiest potential. This article explores elusive terms that hinder our concept of health.
Determinants of Health
In defining health we learn that multiple factors influence the health of Canadians. Below are resources on the determinants of health and the role they play in health outcomes of Canadians.
Multiple Spheres of Influence on Health
Social determinants of health significantly influence health outcomes of Canadians. It is also important to understand that there are various levels at which our health is impacted. The resources below further explain how our health is influenced in regards to the life course perspective and how it is impacted at the individual, community and global levels.
Chronic Disease Management
Most professionals working in heath care face the impact of chronic disease one way or another. Chronic disease is responsible for most deaths and disability in Ontario (Public Health Ontario,2019). The resources below are focused on chronic disease management and prevention in regard to the aging population in home and community care.
Vulnerable Populations
Indigenous populations are one of the most vulnerable populations in Canada and lack equitable, accessible and culturally appropriate care. Another vulnerable group within our population also includes subgroups of the older population. Here are resources on the inequities of health care services with a focus on home and community care among indigenous populations in addition to vulnerable groups within the older population.
How we Define Vulnerabilty
This resource defines vulnerability by reviewing a person's exposure, threats, coping strategies and outcomes that follow. This approach to vulnerability considers the life course approach while addressing how social determinants of health influences one’s susceptibility to being vulnerable.
Future Health in Canada
Canada's older population 65+ already outnumbers its younger counterparts and will continue to rapidly grow demanding researchers, policy makers, health care professionals, caregivers, families and patients to work together on creating a system that can support the diverse needs of the older population now and in the future. The following are resources on how Canada is preparing the health care system, communities, families and individuals as the countries older population continues to grow.
Mobile Tool
Niagara Health Navigator: Ontario’s First Mobile Tool for Integrated Care. This tool enables patients to be at the center of their own care. Patients can now use mobile devices to register at the hospital and book appointments. This tool also allows different health care professionals interact about the patients care.
Content Curation
I chose Pearltrees as my content curation tool in order to share my curated content with my classmates throughout the course.