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This page will provide you with curated content from each unit of the MHST601 course in addition to resources on my role in home & community care. Click on the arrows to learn more about each topic.

Health Care in Ontario

The following resources provided are the guiding documents that shape and influence the way health care is delivered and received in Ontario.

Canada Health Act.

The legislation that determines the national contributions and conditions of health coverage.

Health Protection and Promotion Act.

Indicated by the Ontario Public Health Standards this Act. supports the MOHLTC to set out the guiding principles for the provision of health care services and programs.



The North East Local Health Integratio Network is 1/14 networks in Ontario that is responsible for making local decisions about regional health care planning and funding. 

Health Act. Explained

This document clearly defines and articulates what the Canada Health Act. does and is an excellent resource for the public to better understand the Act.

Ontario Public Health Standards

The Ontario Public Health Standards: Requirements for Programs, Services, and Accountability are published as the public health standards for the provision of mandatory health programs and services. This document adheres to the importance of understanding Social Determinants of Health; Healthy Behaviours;Healthy Communities; and Health Assessment as major factors influencing the health outcomes of Ontarians.


The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care defines how tax payers receive health care services across the province as well as guide and implement policies.


Ontario provides coverage for certain health care services/needs through the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP),which are paid into through with Ontarian's tax dollars.

The People's Health Act.

Bill 74, The People's Health Care Act, 2019 regulates health care provision, continuing health care and decision making in Ontario.


Though most basic health care services in Ontario are covered through OHIP, many question the systems sustainability. The Ontario Health Coalition sets out to protect and improve the public health care system by honouring the principles of the Canada Health Act. 

My Role in Health Care

The following resources provided speak to my role in home and community care as a Client Service Coordinator and my inter-professional connectedness among other health professions. Check out my page "My Role in Health Care" to learn more.

Health Care Providers

This resource further explains the role of various health care professionals in our system. Although I do not belong to a regulated health profession I still consider myself a health professional. This document also supports the importance of teamwork in health care.

Wait Times

Wait-lists aren't just for hospitals. They're many people in the community in need of services or increase of services. This resource states the amount of people on the wait-list for home care services in North Eastern Ontario.

CIHC Framework

This framework promotes inter-professionalism through education and collaborative team work in order to improve health care and health outcomes.




Home care workers provide services in the community where the environment is unregulated and unpredictable. It can be difficult to regulate worker and client safety in home care versus regulated hospital environments. This  also plays a role in retaining staff in home and community care.

Home Care Ontario

Home Care Ontario represents providers of quality home care services across Ontario and strives toward equal and accessible services throughout the province.

Care in the North

Learn more about health care challenges faced by those living in North Eastern Ontario (Health Quality Ontario).

Health Professional Tools

Use these tools to help you as a professional , researcher, or even user of the health care system to learn about the performance of your health care system specific to your region.


Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) creates positive change in Canada's health care system through ongoing research and creation of health resources and databases. 

Your Health System

Want to learn more about your health system and/or compare to other health systems across Canada. This tool will help you gain information and statistics about your health system and its fucntionality


Health Inicators

Canadians identified 5 themes that are most important to them; (1) Access (2)Quality of Care (3) spending (4) health promotion and disease prevention (5) health outcomes. Use this tool to explore the results based on these indicators in your province.

Alzheimer's Society

As many of the clients/ families/caregivers I interact with on a daily basis are impacted by dementia this is a useful resource for individuals with and effected by the disease to help them navigate through the system and find necessary supports.

What is Health?

These resources provide information of definitions of health and how these definitions impact our health care system.


The World Health organization defined health as "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." However, current literature suggests that the WHO's 1948 definition isn't exactly representative of 'what is health' and needs redefining.

Happiness and Well-being

This is a link to a video that supports how our well-being and happiness can impact our overall health.

How Should we Define Health

Huber et al., elaborate on limitations of the WHO's definition of health and challenge the terminology used to determine health.


Another criticism of the WHO's definition of health is that it implies that the presence of illness means an individual is ' unhealthy' and does not speak to the possibility of those coping with illness and living to their healthiest potential. This article explores elusive terms that hinder our concept of health.

Health Explained

This video defines and explains what influences our health.


 McKinley Health Centre redefined health as a state of optimal well-being and wellness. This definition eliminates the term complete and creates a broader definition of health/wellness that includes both internal and external factors that influence health. 


I believe a persons happiness and sense of well-being plays a major role in their overall health. This resource explains the role of happiness and health. 

Guiding Determinants

This document emphasize the importance of health care professionals acknowledging influence factors that influence 'what is health.'

Determinants of Health

Determinants of Health

The government of Canada has recognized that individuals experience health differently based on many internal and external factors

Regional Video on Health Factors

This video created by the Public Health Sudbury & District provides clean examples of how our health is impacted by various external factors that are difficult to modify.

Social Determinants of Health

This resource further explores and defines the SDOH including Aboriginal SDOH.

Health Equity Plan Ontario

Health Quality Ontario’s Health Equity Plan highlights key social determinants that influence healthy equity across Ontario.

SDOH of Aboriginal People

This resource defines SDOH specific to aboriginal people's health in Canada.

Health Equity Strategy-Northern Ontario

Specific to northern Ontario, strategies have been implemented, such as the Northern Ontario Health Equity Strategy to try and attain health equity-a fair and equal system that appropriately disperses health care funding and services to all.

In defining health we learn that multiple factors influence the health of Canadians. Below are resources on the determinants of health and the role they play in health outcomes of Canadians.

Multiple Spheres of Influence on Health

Social determinants of health significantly influence health outcomes of Canadians. It is also important to understand that there are various levels at which our health is impacted. The resources below further explain how our health is influenced in regards to the life course perspective and how it is impacted at the individual, community and global levels.

Health Across the Life Couse

This resource explains how multi level influences impact population health outcomes.

Ecological Model

A lecture explaining the ecological model of health in respect to the aging population

Health Models

Various health models defined and explained for program program planning to identify health behaviours and improve health outcomes.


Learn about how ageism can impact the health of the individual, community and country at large.

Multilevel Interventions

Study that reviews multilevel interventions-interventions that affect at least two levels of influence (patient and health care provider) and the impact on policy change.

Social Exclusion

Social exclusion impacts individuals from various levels. In order to eliminate social  exclusion as a risk factor for older adults and other vulnerable populations action must be taken at all levels.

Analysis of Models


This document reviews existing models of health and their relationship to the social determinants of health.


Chronic Disease Management

Most professionals working in heath care face the impact of chronic disease one way or another. Chronic disease is responsible for most deaths and disability in Ontario (Public Health Ontario,2019). The resources below are focused on chronic disease management and prevention in regard to the aging population in home and community care.

Home Care & Disease Management

This study promotes the role of self-management strategies in home care.

Success Story


This resource provides success stories from individuals living in Ontario who were part of a program that taught them and their families/caregivers skills they need to face the daily challenges of living with a chronic condition.



Providing self-management strategies and resources for individuals and families affected by chronic disease can improve quality of life and create a more efficient and effective use of health care resources.


This resource defines the challenges faced by those living with more than one chronic condition. An audio clip is also included including the discussion of health professionals and their approach on multimorbidity

Chronic Care Model

Health Canada uses the CCM to implement strategies to improve health outcomes at provincial and federal levels.

Ontario's Framework

Ontario's chronic disease management and prevention framework.

Vulnerable Populations

Indigenous populations are one of the most vulnerable populations in Canada and lack equitable, accessible and culturally appropriate care. Another vulnerable group within our population also includes subgroups of the older population. Here are resources on the inequities of health care services with a focus on home and community care among indigenous populations in addition to vulnerable groups within the older population.

Canada's Most Vulnerable

Health Council of Canada (2013) has identified Indigenous populations among the most vulnerable groups in the country.

Speak up Ontario

Speak up Ontario provides various tools, resources and collections of videos/webinars for indigenous peoples and families, health care providers and non-health care professionals regarding advanced care planning. 

Vulnerabilites in Ontario

This study in Ontario defined risk factors associated with vulnerablities among the older population in the province as well as developed recommendations for improvements.

RHS Cultural Framework

This report outlines information regarding the health, social determinants and well-being indigenous peoples using the RHS framework.

House of Commons

The House of Commons: The Challenges of Delivering Continuing Care in First Nations Communities has outlined many barriers to providing equitable and accessible health care to indigenous populations.

Bill 148

Bill 148 Protection of Vulnerable Seniors in the Community Act, 2015.

Palliative Care and Indeginous People's

This resource speaks to insufficiency of home care services for indigenous people and its impact on poor health outcome and social issues for indigenous peoples and communities.  

Vulnerabilities in the Older Population

An explanation of what defines subgroups within the older population and risk factors that influence vulnerabilites

NE LHIN Aboriginal Health Care Reconciliation Action Plan

Use this link to see Northern Ontario's Health Care Reconciliation Plan that sets out to providing equitable, accessible and appropriate health care services for ingenious populations in the region.

How we Define Vulnerabilty

 This resource defines vulnerability by reviewing a person's exposure, threats, coping strategies and outcomes that follow. This approach to vulnerability considers the life course approach while addressing how social determinants of health influences one’s susceptibility to being vulnerable. 

Future Health in Canada

Canada's older population 65+ already outnumbers its younger counterparts and will continue to rapidly grow demanding researchers, policy makers, health care professionals, caregivers, families and patients to work together on creating a system that can support the diverse needs of the older population now and in the future. The following are resources on how Canada is preparing the health care system, communities, families and individuals as the countries older population continues to grow.

Better With Age

This resource adresses myths about the perception of the older population overwhelming the health care system.

Technology Support

This article emphasizes the importance of building and introducing self-management health technologies now in order for the our future older cohorts to be receptive to technology support in the future

Active Ageing Framework

The WHO has put forward various strategies to address health disparities of the social determinants of an aging population. This resource.

Better With Age

This resource adresses myths about the perception of the older population overwhelming the health care system.

Mobile Tool

Niagara Health Navigator: Ontario’s First Mobile Tool for Integrated Care. This tool enables patients to be at the center of their own care. Patients can now use mobile devices to register at the hospital and book appointments. This tool also allows different health care professionals interact about the patients care.

Optimal Aging Portal

The Optimal Aging Portal is a gateway to evidence based information on optimal aging for older adults, caregivers/families, policy makers and health professionals


SmartCoach is a remote monitoring system integrated into the home using wireless technology to help individuals living with chronic diseases to monitor and self-manage their conditions while living at home.

Fuure of Aging

What will the next 150 years look like for Canada's aging population? This resource lists some goals set by researchers toward improving the health of older Canadians presently and in the future.

Home Care and Future Health

Home care is the future of health care as most Canadians prefer to live in their own homes for as long as possible. This document further discusses how home care can help alleviate the health care system in the future.

Content Curation

I chose Pearltrees as my content curation tool in order to share my curated content with my classmates throughout the course.


All my curated content throughout the course can be found here.

©2019 by Alexandria Pakkala. Proudly created with

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